Submission of final papers for
AlCoB 2014
Submission deadline: March 26, 2014
for regular papers and for invited papers
The accepted papers are published in an LNBI volume entitled:
Algorithms for Computational Biology, First International Conference
AlCoB 2014, Tarragona, Spain,
July, 1-3, 2014,
Adrian-Horia Dediu, Carlos Martín-Vide, and Bianca Truthe (Eds).
Detailed technical instructions (link LNCS/LNBI Author Guidelines)
Instructions for LNCS/LNBI authors are available here (link LNCS/LNBI Author Guidelines).
Before submitting your files please verify the following checkpoints.
The next recommendations follow the order we construct our document.
- Use as few .tex files as possible, a single file is best, name it main.tex, it helps the assembling task.
- Use
\documentclass[runningheads, envcountsame, a4paper]{llncs} and only these options; some packages modify the paper format to letter if a4 is not specified.
- Use Algorithm2e for listings of algorithms.
- pdflatex processes a bit better than the sequence latex, dvips, pspdf. You might find useful to add
\usepackage{epstopdf}, \usepackage[hyphens]{url} and \usepackage{microtype}.
- Titles: In English, the first word and the last word of titles should be capitalized. In addition, all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions should be capitalized. Articles and coordinating conjunctions are not capitalized. Traditionally, prepositions are not capitalized. Use the same conventions for all titles of sections, subsection, etc.
- In \author use \and as separator between authors names.
- Give all the affiliation, department, university, street address, country, e-mail.
- British authors should use UK to avoid too many variations such as U.K. or England.
- In email if you use {author1,author2,...}@... please use \email{$\{$author1,... $\}$@...}.
- Use \fnmsep (i.e. footnote mark separator) to separate \thanks by \inst.
- \titlerunning could be shorter than Title, please check to see if it fits in the header, if not, then you should shorten it up.
- Inside the \authorrunning{} field of your article, please use only the initial of your first name, followed by a dot.
The word "and" between two authors is used without a comma. If there are three or more authors, there is a comma before "and".
If headings with author names are not fitting well in the page, then you should use "et al." after the first author.
- Use \toctitle and \tocauthor, they
are important fields defining your paper in the proceedings Table Of Contents.
- For \tocauthor use ~ between first name and name to avoid a break line inside author's names.
- After \maketitle \setcounter{footnote}{0} to start footnotes from 1 after \thanks.
- LNCS recommends keywords, within the abstract (before \end{abstract} just type \keywords{your list}. The new LNCS style has internally defined this command. Do not \newcommand{\keywords}...
(not needed titlecase for keywords). Please , use significant keywords.
- Normally, captions of tables, figures, should end without a dot. If you feel that dots are needed, please be consistent along the whole article. Table captions are above the tables, while figures have captions below.
- For Acknowledge please use \section*.
- If you wish to add an appendix, then we should add it before references; use a \section*{Appendix} for the title.
Please use BIBTEX: it is a computer program taking care about consistency of bibliography, (within the paper and cross papers).
For information about using BIBTEX please consult this link.
There exists also an automatic conversion tool from bibitem to bibtex, yet not all formats are recognized. Note that Googling for a title together with the word "bibtex" usually gives good results.
- Check the names in bibliography, some accents could be missing, no capital letter for Turing, RNA, etc., wrong hyphenations, etc.
To correct we should add a new level of {...} in the bib file.
- Check spelling errors and English mistakes for the whole paper. You are the last one checking for spelling errors before your paper is published.
Preparation steps
Please take carefully into account the suggestions of the reviewers and make the necessary modifications to your paper.
- Follow the technical instructions (described in the next column); prepare your bibliography using BibTex together with the style splncs03.bst provided by Springer.
- There is a strict limit of 12 pages for regular contributions. This limit can not be surpassed in any case. For invited papers the recommended sizes are 18 pages for invited lectures and
24 pages for invited tutorials.
- Fill in the copyright form (pdf, 65kB).
It is sufficient for one of the authors to sign the copyright form. Careful, university jobs do not mean "employee of EU"!
- Pack your working files (tex file(s), pictures, splncs03.bst, a bibliography (.bib) file) into a zip archive.
- Click here to submit your files using your EasyChair author account; follow the
instructions after login for uploading three files:
- a zip archive with your source files,
- a pdf version of your paper,
- the signed copyright form.
If you do not find the appropriate forms for sources and copyright, then probably you are still in the "papers for review" area of esychair. To move to LNBI proceedings just click on the menu "Proceedings".
- After submitting the files, EasyChair gives some messages. ONLY ONE warning message is allowed:
Package amsmath Warning: Unable to redefine math accent \vec.
The rest of warnings or errors should be solved by the authors making the appropriate corrections. Pay a special attention to overfull boxes!
- At least one author per paper should register.
Papers that do not have a registered author who paid the fees by
March 29, 2014 will be excluded from the proceedings. One registration gives the right to present only one paper.
This will be strictly enforced. Follow the updated directions about the registration and payment procedure at the registration page.
Please notice that those who will register as students will need to show the proof of their status (student ID or university certificate) at the organizers' request.
- do not change the default font of the document (that is do not \usepackage{times} or other fonts), or use too many variations on fonts.
- do not \usepackage[...]{babel} ,
- do not use whatever fancy signs as in mathabx.
- do not modify \qed.
- do not use a4wide or geometrix.
- avoid using \vspace, and in any case \vspace with a negative argument. If things are not going as we wish, instead of negative \vspace there should be another solution.
- do not use \newpage for formatting reasons, trying to fit floating figures or tables.
- do not use frames around figures, algorithms, other elements of your paper.
- do not use a complicated directory structure for your document, usually for a short paper things can be solved with a single source file.
- do not \usepackage{hyperref}, this will be added by Springer later in the online proceedings.
- do not use \sloppy to prevent overfulls; for small ovefulls, if used pdflatex, then the package microtype can help; otherwise, always rephrasing, or braking math formulas into several rows is considered the best solution
- do not use \mainmatter; this is used only by the editors for the mainmatter of the voume.
In case of technical problems, please contact