The photo was taken during the last day; we are sorry for the picture not having all participants.

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Bellow we have the photo tagged with names. Move the mouse over people to get their names. If for some browser the map is not working, the following table shows the names of persons from left to right.

1.Florentina-Lilica Voicu7.Thomas Zeugmann13.Vladimir Shpilrain
2.Faustino Gómez8.Ponnuthurai N. Suganthan14.Alexander Spirov
3.Selim G. Akl9.Daniela Genova15.Tibor Kmet
4.Max H. Garzon10.Adam Kožaný16.Shin Watanabe
5.Barbara M. Terhal11. Adrian-Horia Dediu17.Carlos Martín-Vide
6.Peter Tiño12. Peter Leupold18.Atsuko Takamatsu