Accepted Papers

(presentation order)

We expect at least one of the authors of each poster to register as a poster presenter. This has to be done as soon as possible and not deferred to the conference week.

Shin Watanabe, Atsuko Takamatsu, Yasuhiro Hayashi: Design of Electric Power Distribution Networks Using a Biologically Inspired Algorithm
Vladimir Shpilrain, Dima Grigoriev: Nature-Based Cryptography
Alexander Spirov, David Holloway: Using Evolutionary Computations to Understand the Evolutionary Design of Gene Regulatory Networks
Ilja Kucevalovs, Ojars Krasts, Rusins Freivalds, Thomas Zeugmann: Influence of Technology on Learning Processes
Kaspars Balodis, Karlis Jerins, Rusins Freivalds, Agnis Skuskovniks, Ilja Kucevalovs: Weak Computation by Frequency Finite-State Transducers
Chu Qin, Xiao Hua Ma, Zhe Shi, Yu Zong Chen: Evaluation of the Hit and Target Selectivity Performance of Machine Learning Multi-Target Virtual Screening Models
Lin Tao, Feng Zhu, Yuzong Chen: Genome-Wide Protein-Protein Interactions Prediction from Amino Acid Sequence Using Support Vector Machines
Mauricio Guevara-Souza, Edgar Vallejo: Accelerating Simulations of Population Replacement Using Multicore Technologies
Adam Kozaný: Influence of Forbidding a Rule Type on the Development of PM Colony
Alina Vasilieva, Elena Shishova: Quantum Query Algorithms for Computing Multivalued Functions

There are 10 minutes for presentations (as slides in PowerPoint/Pdf). There will be also available panels to expose posters (typical size would be A1) to be presented and discussed with the participants.