TPNC 2018 Registration

TPNC 2018 Registration Form

(form version 1.8 conf.)

The period for registration is open since April 23, 2018.

Registration conditions


It is to be carried out by PayPal.

When the registration form below is submitted, the PayPal button will appear filled in with the appropriate data.

A fee of 25 Euros will be added automatically to cover the transfer expenses PayPal will charge to the organizers.

If a pre-invoice is required for the payment to be initiated by the institution, you can ask for it.

Exceptionally, payment by bank transfer is possible. Ask for our bank coordinates.

General remarks concerning registration: General remarks concerning payment:

Please provide the following contact information: (bold fields are mandatory)!

Firstname (with accents)

Please fill in the Name!


Surname (with accents)

Please fill in the Lastname!





Please fill in the Affiliation!


(Professor, Researcher, PhD student, etc.)

Please fill in the Position!

"; ?>


Please fill in the Country!

"; ?>


Please fill in the City!

"; ?>


Registration Type:

Student early registration, 430 Euros

Student late registration, 470 Euros

Student on-site registration, 510 Euros

Full early registration, 530 Euros

Full late registration, 570 Euros

Full on-site registration, 610 Euros

Free: Invited speakers, members of the Organizing Committee, local staff

Please provide the following academic background:

Degree (PhD, Masters, Bachelor, etc.):


Speciality (if any):

Supplementary information:

Notes for organizers

Acknowledgment of the payment: