Submission to TPNC2017 special issue of the journal BioSystems
We expect the authors to submit the substantially extended version of their paper following the Guide for Authors by the deadline of April 3, 2018. Only the authors presenting their work during the conference are allowed to submit.
Click here to submit. The submission will have to be done through the EVISE Editorial System of Elsevier.
We recall several directions for the special issue papers:
- Each paper must contain at least 40% of new material.
- There is no length limit.
- Before submitting the paper the authors should register in the system using a valid e-mail address. After the registration, one receives the password at the mentioned address.
- When selecting the article/issue type, the authors should select SI: TPNC 2017.
- The authors should submit the source of the paper together with the figures, and other files needed to construct the pdf version. After constructing the pdf, the authors should approve it and the submission is complete.
- After submitting your manuscript, please, remember to send us (carlos.martin(at) and mavega(at) an email, indicating that you have already submitted your manuscript (and also informing us of its details: manuscript number, title, and authors). In this way, we will be able to track all the manuscripts submitted to the special issue.