Post-conference publications

Expressions of interest by the authors (both invited and contributed) that would like to submit are welcome by

April 23, 2009

to (Bianca Truthe)


Only people are expected to express their interest who will be able to submit a significantly extended version of their conference paper.

Authors selected among the ones that expressed their interest will be invited to submit.

Deadline for submission of extended versions: July 23, 2009

There will be no limit on the number of pages per paper.

Peer-review will be done by a set of referees essentially different from the ones having reviewed for the conference.

For the sake of consistency, papers accepted after the reviewing will be allocated to the appropriate issue or volume on the basis of their content.

Papers are to be submitted through:
Please, go to "Extended versions" under "Proceedings" menu

Peer-review is expected to take until January 2010.